How We Work

You are unique and so are your financial needs. We start by getting to know you and recommending a service plan that will best help you achieve your financial goals.

Customized Plans to Suit Your Needs

We offer a free, no obligation initial consultation to get to know you and discuss how we can best work together. Your Tipper Financial Planner will recommend services to help you take the next step towards financial well-being.

We offer four different fee models

  1. Flat Fee: Cost is based on the number of modular plans, or if a full financial plan is selected.*
  2. Subscription Fee: Cost is based on number of modular plans, with subsequent reviews included and priced on the basis of one annual review. *
  3. Product-Based: All service planning fees waived (please see product disclosure for further details).
  4. Asset-Based: All service planning fees waived. Please contact us for our current fee guide.

* The full terms of our service planning fees (options 1 and 2 noted above) will be based on our Consulting & Financial Planning Fee Schedule (CFPFS) as well as our General Engagement Agreement (GEA), which will be provided once we have assessed how you would like to work together.  If there are any discrepancies between the information on our website and our CFPFS and GEA, the terms of our CSPFS and GEA shall prevail.

** We reserve the right to change our service planning fee rates at any time, based on applicable industry guidelines, market rates, as well as any other factors deemed pertinent to establishing appropriate fee rates.  For any existing clients who have opted for our Subscription Fee model, you will receive at least 30 days advance-notice of a change in our fee rates.  For our Asset-Based Fee model, fees are based on a percentage of your assets under management and subject to minimum and maximum percentages as dictated by the respective financial institutions, intermediaries, and regulators.  To obtain further information on this option, please contact us.

Let’s get to know each other!

Use the form below to schedule a no-obligation conversation with a Financial Planner.